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Showing posts from June, 2018

Everyone is a salesperson

SALES Truth: Everyone is a salesperson How good are you in sales? Sales Mastery: 5 Reasons Why You Aren't More Successful in Sales. 1. You haven't adapted your sales game to address the 2 sales realities 2. You don't know how to read buyers' emotional map 3. You aren't address in the 7 questions that must  be answered in every sale. 4. You're overlooking the most important factors in closing deals. 5. You aren't focusing on the 7 key areas of sales success **7 Key Result Areas of Sales Success: 1. Prospecting Funnel 2. Building Rapport 3. Problem Radar 4. Sales Theater 5. Handling Objections 6. Closing the Sale 7. Repeat Business Did you know? Top earners make 10 times more  money than average salespeople. "All sales skills are learnable."

How to Build Rapport With Your Customers

How to Build Rapport With Your Customers 1. Do your Research 2. "Mirroring" the prospect 3. Practice "active listening" Top 7 Sales Mistakes: Avoid these costly mistakes. 1. Allowing a prospect to lead the sales process. 2. Not completing pre-meeting research 3. Talking too much 4. Giving the prospect information that is irrelevant 5. Not being prepared 6. Neglecting to ask for the sale. 7. Failing to prospect 3 Characteristics of Salespeople: 1. Ambition - ambitious sales people are:  Capable of being the best Optimistic about their chances 2. Courage - courageous salespeople are: Overcome the fear of failure and fear of criticism or rejection Say "I can do it" over and over : I like myself, I'm the best and I can do it. 3. Commitment - committed salespeople are: Believe in their products and services: sales are the transfer of enthusiasm Love their work : Say "I love my work 3x"