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Showing posts from May, 2018

How to Live A Better Life

​If you don't increase your income, nothing will happen. Increase your earning ability. Boss: I want to make a valuable contribution in this work and I want to be successful in this company. What one skill to be more successful and to make more valuable contribution. If you were a good in selling... Read books to develop your skills 2 hours per day. Spend 10 hours or more to study new skills.​ 1. Clarity - Decide what you want. My goal is to earn amount of money ___. 2. Write Down your goals. Goal and A plan write it all. 3. 4. 5. Take action on the first step. 6. 7. Do something everyday on the major goal. Principles: 1. Competence - Do excellent work as an individual in business. What is the most important skill for success? 2. 3. 4. Creativity Take a sheet of paper. Write a major goal. How can I double my income in 12 months? Write down every answer. 20 Answer method. Generate at least 20 answers. Write 10 goals and pick one goal. Work on tha

How to Take Care of Yourself

How to Take Care of Yourself When You're Always in a State of Hustle. 1. Eat healthy. 2. Get enough sleep. 3. Learn how to deal with stress in a healthy way. Meditate 4. Spend time with people you care most about. Spend time with family and friends. 5. Schedule time for yourself. Spending a time alone relaxing and enjoying activity for yourself. "Resolve that you will respond with a positive, optimistic, and cheerful mental attitude in every situation." - Brian Tracy. Make it a habit. Take action and take action NOW!

How to Make your First Million

How to Make your First Million -  This is my personal note listened by Brian Tracy 1. Spend less than you earn - SAVE MONEY 5000 per month and invest in mutual fund and stock market 2. Pay yourself first. It is not how much you earn but how much you keep. **Never buy new, when you can buy used. Qualities: 1. Honesty- Build reputation when you borrow money 2. Self-discipline - it is learnable skill that we need to develop 3. Likability- positive mental attitude 4. Supportive Environment- a supportive wife or husband 5. Hardwork- hardwork really pays. Work smartly! 6. Passion- Do what you love to do, unlocks your energy and persists more. 7. Sell Your Ideas- ability to sell is learnable skill. ---- Enemy: Procastination- excuses Make a decision and start doing it today. Fear of failure- Lack of longtime perspective- Lack essential knowledge.- Continuously learning everyday. Do your homework Wealth is income from other sources, you are not wealthy if you make a